Now ladies all guys are not the same. Don't judge every guy off of one bad relationship. Now I am definitely not a guy by any means but I have hung out with enough guys to know somethings. Now there are several types of guys just like there are several types of girls. Some guys like being all up on you and making everyone know your theirs but some guys will be kind of stand offish and not really want y'all's business out there. You have got to except him for who he is. Don't try to make him into someone he's not. All guys will have their flaws, because nobody's is perfect. If you make him feel like he can't be himself, it is not a healthy relationship and he is not gonna stay with you, so except him. Also, I know we all do this... ladies when it is that time of the month try not to take it out on him, it is not his fault, and he doesn't understand. Although they need to be more understanding that its hard on us they didn't make it happen.